Failed to get remoteEntry exports.

  • Error Code: RUNTIME-001


When the producer entry file is loaded normally, the producer will be registered in the global object (globalThis/window), which can be accessed through window[remoteEntryKey].

However, during this loading process, registered producers are inaccessible. There are three possible causes for this error:

  1. The remoteEntryUrl is not right.
  2. The remoteEntry file does not mount the container correctly.
  3. Network problem, the resource cannot be accessed.
  4. The remote type is a different format and not specified in either the plugin or in the init for the remotes details.


There are corresponding solutions for the reasons:

  1. Check whether the remoteEntryUrl is correct.
  • If using manifest, check the publicPath and fields in the manifest
  1. If the project builder is rspack, check whether runtimeChunk is set in the final build configuration. If so, delete this configuration.
  2. Check if the resource is externally accessible.
  3. Loading a ESM remote from a non-esm host
  • setting type: 'module' on the remote config